The law regarding arrangements for children is complex. Even if relations with your former partner are amicable, it is advisable to obtain legal advice so that you know what are the legal considerations which apply when determining children’s arrangements as well as your obligations.
Child Custody Lawyers Brisbane: LGM Family law & How We May Assist You
LGM Family Law offers a fixed rate initial consultation . When you book an initial consultation, you receive the benefit of our Separation Action Plan which includes our advice regarding separation, arrangements for your children and options available to you in your particular circumstances. We will discuss with you ways to minimise the impact of separation on children. There is no fixed outcome for children prescribed by law but instead, arrangements for children are determined having regard to considerations referred to below. We can also advise you concerning steps to ensure that you maximise your opportunity for continuing and meaningful time with your children post separation.
We can assist you across the range of parenting matters, including:
- Living arrangements, travel and holidays
- Time to be spent with parents
- Time to be spent with grandparents or other relatives
- Relocation
- Removal of children
- Child Support
- Accessing Family Dispute Resolution and required certificates
Our priority is for agreement to be reached through negotiation with your former partner or mediation through which we will guide and support you. If necessary, we will recommend litigation but will continue to seek to settle your matter, bringing any court action to an end.
If agreement is reached without litigation being involved, that agreement may be set out in a Parenting Plan or you and your former partner may seek Consent Orders to be issued by the Court. It is important to realise that Parenting Plans are not registered with the Court and are not enforceable. They may be appropriate, for example, where the relationship with your former partner is amicable or you and your former partner wish to maintain maximum flexibility in your arrangements for the children.
LGM Family Law Can also Assist You
- by negotiating the terms of an agreement with your former partner;
- by representing you at any mediation that may be held with your former partner;
- by preparing a Parenting Plan or Consent Orders where you have reached agreement with your former partner;
- by preparing your Court documents and otherwise representing you should it become necessary to take your matter to Court or respond to any Court action that your former partner may institute.