Airport watchlist: preventing children from leaving Australia


The Family Law Airport Watchlist is an important protection available to you if your arE in fear that the other parent may try to abduct your child or to take your child overseas without your consent

On some occasions in in separated
families there is a concern or risk that a child may be taken overseas and not
returned. In recent years there have been some cases with significant media
coverage which have highlighted such situations. There are methods in
Australian Law and particularly under the Family
Law Act 1975
to prevent this from occurring.

If you would like to know more about
how to prevent your child from being taken overseas without your consent or assistance with parenting or child custody arrangements please do contact our Child Custody Lawyers Brisbane or North Brisbane Child Custody Lawyers.
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In a recent case which appeared
before the Federal Circuit Court of Australia at Parramatta titled Kadni
& Keerthi [2018] FCCA 3425
, His Honour Judge Harman
made Family Law Orders that the child involved in the matter be issued with an
Australian Passport but also that child be placed on the Family Law Watchlist
to prevent the child from being taken overseas but for in compliance with certain

What is the Family Law Watchlist?

The Australian Federal Police
maintain a watchlist for family law matters. The list is in place to alert the police
of children across our national borders. The watchlist identifies children that
are subject to restrictions on travel, and may be in place in circumstances

How do I place my child on the
Family Law Airport Watchlist?

If you wish to place your child
on the Australian Federal Police Family Law Watchlist (also referred to as the airport watchlist), you can obtain and complete
a request form available from the Australian
Federal Police website

For the request to be effective
you must also:

If a child’s name is recorded on
the AFP Family Law Watchlist, when a person appears at the Airport or other
exit point to clear customs, the child’s name will trigger an alert on the
Customs and Immigration system and the child will not be allowed to leave

If a party does not comply with
court orders relating to travel it may result in offences against the Family
Law Act 1975, or contempt of court. Penalties can include imprisonment of up to
3 years duration.

Contact our Child Custody
Lawyers Brisbane or North Brisbane Child Custody Lawyers. We can assist you if
you have concerns regarding any Family Law parenting issues including overseas
child travel or abduction or if you need any assistance to obtain parenting
orders or a parenting plan or with placing your child on the airport watchlist. We can also help you to obtain your family law property settlement. We offer free
initial phone consultations
when you will speak to one of our
experienced Brisbane child custody lawyers. We are ready to assist you to
resolve your family law matter.

Kindly note that this blog contains information only and does not
constitute legal advice to you. You will need to obtain specific legal advice
tailored to your particular circumstances. Our experienced family lawyers
Brisbane CBD, North Brisbane family lawyers and Brisbane child custody lawyers
are ready to assist you to resolve your particular family law matter.